They started as a small start-up that supplied cafes and restaurants with the Storyous POS system on a wooden stand. In 2021, they teamed up with international fintech start-up SaltPay, opening the door to new markets. But they still continue their mission - to help entrepreneurs focus on their customers and their satisfaction. SaltPay will handle everything else from routine administration, invoicing, inventory optimization, order booking, to integrating the services of other vendors. SaltPay offers a simple, functional and affordable tool for managing, automating and digitizing your business. They have been very pro-customer from the very beginning and now they are even more aware of wanting to partner with their customers and build products that make their business easier. They are innovative, they have drive and their dream is to conquer the world. And they're well on their way!

Entrepreneurs should focus on their customers & their satisfaction
For the rest, they have SaltPay

We honestly believe in our product and there is no doubt that the product we bring to the market really does fulfill our mission step by step. To help small and medium-sized businesses free them from routine administration and give them the space to focus on their customers and the quality of service they provide.
Function and design are our main focus. We’re part of the customer experience and we want that experience to be perfect! We believe that the effort we put into our work and the way we do it, bears fruit. We're all kind of entrepreneurs here. We want the best for the product and for our customer. We can pull together when we need to, solve problems and brainstorm creatively to seize new opportunities. We don’t just want to sell a product. Every day we think about new ways to move further and improve our product.

Gastrotech, fintech and what's next?
Storyous is SaltPay & new horizons have opened up for us
The Storyous POS system is still a part of us. It has become an integral part of the business for our customers and we want to keep it that way. We want to come up with innovations where they add value for the customer.
Today, we no longer focus only on cafes or restaurants. We're expanding into new sectors, targeting small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, who we want to help manage and digitise their business. We have a simple and accessible tool in our hands, the experience we have gained in developing the Storyous product and services. We're lucky to have a lot of smart people at SaltPay around the world to share ideas, solve problems and draw inspiration from. Making it in a new industry is a challenge for us. We firmly believe that our ambition and diligence will help us make it big. And we're curious ourselves to see where it takes us next.

Our ambition and diligence helps us succeed and fulfill our mission

Technology is our lifestyle
We are a technology company. Our system is in the cloud and our product stands and falls with how smart our development is. We work with state-of-the-art technology. We operate in an agile way, not because it's trendy today, but because that's the way we operate. We focus on quality first and foremost, not the number of hours reported. We are quick to develop and deploy change. But the greatest strength of our dev team is the people who care about the final product. We educate ourselves, try new technologies, inspire each other, strive to improve ourselves, improve the code and with it the overall product and customer satisfaction.

3 Things We Have in Common

We love to have a good time
Work is not just about figures, data and successful sales. It’s just as much about sitting down and chatting with our colleagues and friends at breakfast, lunch or during our All Hands on Thursday. We’ll easily talk about work related things again, in that informal, relaxed way, with fresh outlooks, simply because we love what we do. For us, work is like all the other things we enjoy in life. Who knows, perhaps that “genius thought” may crop up over lunch or after that third round at the bar! And we’re just as good at having fun as we are at creating action plans for the months ahead.
We’re Optimists
We are no longer a small start-up like we were in the beginning. We are part of the big international SaltPay family. Even though we’re getting bigger, we’re still keeping that start-up spirit alive. We’ve built great relationships at work and with our customers. We like to look ahead and can’t wait to see how we will develop in the future. We are in new markets, innovating and offering new services and products, developing hubs across the Czech Republic and opening doors abroad, among other things, creating room for our people to grow. Believing in our product, our customers and our co-workers brings us satisfaction, new opportunities and positive feedback.

We Love to Learn
There’s one sure thing people at SaltPay have in common. And that is their desire to learn. No matter whether you join us as a first-timer or as a skilled professional, the move will involve having to learn new things and facing challenges you never encountered before. We look for an individual’s potential. You won’t be happy here unless you love learning new things. Here at SaltPay, each and every one of us is different, with different interests and preferences. We’re all unique, but together, we work fantastically as one great team. And we love to test and try-out new approaches. We love to learn, not only from each other, but from our customers and from our more experienced colleagues. We refuse to rest on our laurels with an “expert” label on our foreeheads.

We have five study days for the DEV team, where they can program what they enjoy. And I think that's important in the long run so they don't get stuck and it also gives us perspective on things we don't do.

We Join Forces with Customers Right from the Start

93% of our customers would recommend us
A pretty good going rate, ay? And do you know why this is? We engage our customers and let them become our partners in the process of developing a tailored system. We listen to their wants and needs and then together come up with new possibilities. We show them how our system works, how it has developed, what options we have, what we plan to add and discuss the features that suit their business the best. We only make promises we can keep. We're always on call when they need us. We're on the lookout for added value to deliver to our customers. At the same time, we help them with what is holding them back from the most important thing – giving their customers the attention they deserve. We always strive to deliver absolute quality, so that our customers can focus on their top quality. That's the point of our relationship.
The customer understands that behind the product are people who do it with love and who would buy the system for themselves. We ask a lot of customers what features they would like, we go out into the field and the system doesn't evolve based on what we think. We push it further, based on customer feedbacks.

Behind our product are people who do it with love!

You can find us at our new address in Dejvice, in the Blox building. We are still surrounded by cafes and restaurants, this was one of the main requirements when choosing our new offices. We'll make you great coffee here too, so come and see us. You can reach us by metro, tram, car, on foot or by bike.
Tell me, What Does The Spirit Means?
The Spirit. It’s one of our five company values and probably the most important one. It means doing that little bit more, that little extra, or adding the special touch, just because you can see it would help. That little “something special” that we place into our product to surprise our customers. That “something special’ which makes us all look forward to work on a Monday morning.
It’s hard to describe. You must live it to believe it! It works on the same basis as when you apply to a hobby centre. People accept you and then you focus on keeping it alive.
You do things with some enthusiasm and motivation, it's not about just dumb programming. Most people are interested in what it looks like and what comes out of it.
For me, spirit means being willing to give the company that little bit more than is expected of you. Just for the sake of it. An example of this would be, say, if you were to walk in on Sunday (in the early morning hours) to help sort out some issue. It’s not standard behaviour, but it’s cool to know that you work with people who are willing to help out whenever the need may be.
It's basically a human belonging, everybody respects each other and can work together, so that everybody gives their absolute best and a bit of themselves.

New challenges & new energy

Local SaltPay HUBs
Our ambition has always been to cross the borders of the Czech pond. As part of the SaltPay family, our paths to the world are opening up even more. We have expanded into new markets, so our products are used by customers in Hungary, Croatia, Portugal and Iceland. We travel a lot, meet new customers and exchange know-how with colleagues from other countries. We are learning a lot and we have found that we also have a lot to teach others. We have moved to bigger offices. We are building local HUBs in other Czech cities. We have a technology HUB in Porto and London. And we do everything we can to be closer to our customers, to listen to their needs and to surprise them with new ideas and gadgets.
We don’t waste our time waiting
We don’t need loads of approvals to get things moving. If a good idea arises at a meeting, the next day, we put it to work. And we see the results of our work in no time. We don't want to miss the boat in any way or form. We’re capable of doing a great deal of work in a short space of time thanks to everyone here being so highly committed. SaltPay people love what they do and want to help the company grow. They want to be a part of the company, they want to see its success, and they want to learn and have fun. That’s our vision.

I love the company and I love my job. SaltPay is growing fast and has great potential. There are times when I could work from home, but I still go into the office, just to see my co-workers.

Important notice! If you’re not yet an obsessed foodie, then we’re pretty sure that once you join us, your life will never be the same. The foodservice industry has gotten under our skin and so has our Storyous system. In restaurants, instead of a reading restaurant’s menu, we look under the waiter's hands, ask for feedback and proudly claim our wooden stands. You’ll live for good food and good restaurants and cafes. You’ll get a taste for good coffee and never want to drink any other. Together we’ll hunt for new restaurants and cafes, visit our customers, eat and taste new foods and have fun while we’re at it. Luckily, another thing we like to do is sport (and that’s just as well because, otherwise, there soon wouldn’t be enough room here for us all).

Ready for new challenges?
There are no opportunities at this time.